Local lion goddess worshipped particularly in the area of Beni Hasan, Middle Egypt during the Middle Kingdom.

Her name means 'she who scratches' or 'tearer'. She was also called 'Goddess at the entrance of the wadi' which might point at the lion´s habit of frequenting areas at the edge of the desert where water was to be found. In the Coffin Texts, she is mentioned as a 'night huntress with sharp claws'. She is not often depicted in Egyptian art but appears as an anthropomorphic female deity with a leonine head.

As a feline deity, she can be associated with Bast and Sekhmet but as she is also associated with Heru (Gr: Horus), she thereby also becomes associated with Aset (Gr: Isis)and Weret-Hekau. Due to her being a huntress deity, the Greeks identified Pakhet with Artemis and the rock-chapel at Beni Hasan, which was carved out of the limestone cliffs by Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, was called Speos Artemidos ('cave of Artemis') by the Greeks. From the Late Period was found a cemetery of sacred cats dedicated to Pakhet in this area.

From: here
Her most famous temple was an underground, cavernous shrine that was built by Hatshepsut near al Minya, [1] among thirty-nine ancient tombs of Middle Kingdom nomarchs of the Oryx nome, who governed from Hebenu, in an area where many quarries exist. This is in the middle of Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile. A location on the east bank is not traditional for tombs, the west was, but the terrain to the west was most difficult. A more ancient temple to this goddess at the location is known, but has not survived. Hatshepsut is known to have restored temples in this region that had been damaged by the Hyksos invaders.

Its remarkable catacombs have been excavated. Great numbers of mummified cats have been found buried there. Many are thought to have been brought great distances to be buried ceremonially during rituals at the cult center. Some references associate this goddess as, Pakhet-Weret-Hekau, (Weret Hekau meaning "she who has great magic"), implying the association with a goddess such as Hathor or Isis. Another title found is, Horus Pakht, the presence of many mumified hawks at the site would further the association with Hathor who was the mother of Horus, the hawk, the pharaoh, and the sun.[2]

Her hunting nature led to the Greeks, who later occupied Egypt for three hundred years, identifying Pakhet with Artemis. Consequently, this underground temple became known to them as, Speos Artemidos, the Cave of Artemis, a name that persists even though the goddess is not Egyptian. The Greeks attempted to align the Egyptian deities with their own, while retaining the traditions of the Egyptian religion. Next, Egypt was conquered by the Romans, just after 30 AD, and they retained many of the Greek names. Christians and other religious sects occupied some parts of the site during the Roman Empire period. Arab place names were established after the 600s.

Hatshepsut and her daughter Neferure have been identified as the builders of a smaller temple dedicated to Pakhet nearby, which was defaced by subsequent pharaohs. It was completed during the reign of Alexander II and now is called, Speos Batn el-Bakarah.[3]

The Faulkner translation of Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, Spell 470 reads,

O You of the dawn who wake and sleep,
O You who are in limpness, dwelling aforetime in Nedit,
I have appeared as Pakhet the Great,
whose eyes are keen and whose claws are sharp,
the lioness who sees and catches by night....[4]

From: Wiki

Also see:
Speos Artemidos / Beni Hassan - about her temple
About Pasht (from Per-Bast.org)
Short article
Her temple

On MW:
Pakhet thread
Grotto of Artemis - Speos Artemidos

On House of Netjeru forum:
Under appreciated Netjeru
A festival of Pakhet?