Saturday, December 24, 2011


As the God of the earth, Geb was one of the most important of ancient Egypt's gods. According to the Heliopolis doctrine, he came from a line of important gods. His parents were Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture, who were in turn the children of Atum. Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys were the children of Geb and Nut, and together these gods made up the Heliopolitan Ennad. However, it should be noted that Geb may also be referred to in various literature as Seb, Keb, Kebb or Gebb. After Atum, the four deities (Shu, Tefnut, Geb, and Nut) established the Cosmos, whereas the second set of deities (Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys) mediated between humans and the cosmos.

Geb is usually represented in the form of a man who who wears either the white crown to which is added the Atef crown, or a goose. The Goose was his sacred animal and symbal. As the God of earth, the earth formed his body and was called the "house of Geb," just as the air was called the "house of Shu," and the heaven the "house of Ra," Hence,. he was also often portrayed laying on his side on the earth, and was sometimes even painted green, with plants springing from his body. Earthquakes were believed to be the laughter of Geb.

In hymns and other compositions he is often portrayed as the erpat, i.e., the hereditary, tribal chief of the gods, and he plays a very important part in the Book of the Dead. Therefore he is one of the gods who watch the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the Judgement Hall of Osiris.. The righteous who were provided with the necessary words of power were able to make their escape from the earth but the wicked were held fast by Geb.

Religious texts show that there was no special city or district set apart for the god Geb, but a portion of the temple estates in Apollinopolis Magna were called the "Aat of Geb," and a name of Dendera was "the home of the children of Geb,". The chief seat of the god appears to have been at Heliopolis, where he and his female counterpart Nut produced the great Egg from which sprang the Sun-god under the from of a phoenix. In ancient Egypt, the egg is a symbol of renewal, and even today, this symbolism appears in our traditions surrounding Easter.

It was claimed that Heliopolis was the birthplace of the company of the gods, and that in fact the work of creation began there. In several papyri we find pictures of the first act of creation which took place as soon as the Sun-god, by whatsoever name he may be called, appeared in the sky, and sent forth his rays upon the earth. In these papyri, Geb always occupies a very prominent position. He is seen lying upon the ground with one hand stretched out upon it, and the other extended towards heaven Shu stands by his side, and supports on his upraised hands the heavens which are depicted in the form of a women whose body is covered with stars. She is the goddess Nut.

In Greek (Ptolemaic) times, Geb became identified with the Greek god Kronos.

From: TourEgypt: Geb
Thousands of years ago, Geb was worshipped in lower Egypt as the earth god. Geb was depicted as a bearded man with a goose on his head. He was the provider of crops and a healer. Egyptian people believed that Geb's laughter caused earthquakes.
In an Egyptian legend, Geb married Nut, the sky goddess, without asking the powerful Sun god Re. Re was so angry at Nut and Geb that he forced their father Shu, the god of air, to separate them. That is why the Earth is divided from the sky. Moreover, Re prevented Nut from having children.
Fortunately, Thoth the divine scribe decided to help her. Thus, he conned the Moon into playing a game of draughts, where the prize was the Moon's light. Thoth won so much light that the Moon had to add five new days to the official calendar. Thus Nut and Geb could finally have children.
From: here
  • Cult Center: Throughout Egypt.
  • Attributes: Geb was thought to represent the earth, he is often seen reclining beneath the sky goddess Nut. Geb was called 'the Great Cackler', and as such, was represented as a goose. It was in this form that he was said to have laid the egg from which the sun was hatched. He was believed to have been the third divine king of earth. The royal throne of Egypt was known as the 'throne of Geb' in honor of his great reign.
  • Representation: As a vegetation-god he was shown with green patches or plants on his body. As the earth, he is often seen lying beneath Nut, leaning on one elbow, with a knee bent toward the sky, this is representive of the mountains and valleys of the earth. He was often pictured with a goose on his head or as a goose.
  • Relations: Son of Shu and Tefnut, twin brother of Nut, husband of Nut, father of Osiris and Isis, Seth, Nephthys.
  • Other possible Names: Keb
From: here
The Hymn of Geb says:
Behold, I rejoice on my standard, on my seat.
I am the creator of darkness, making his place in the limits of the sky,the ruler of infinity.
I rejoice in the lord of the palace.
My nest is unseen; I have broken the egg.
I am the lord of millions of years.
I have made my nest in the limits of the sky,and descended to the earth as the Goose,who drives out all sins.
From: Wiki
Geb (WB Seb, Keb, Qeb) - "Earth (also "goose")" Geb is the "Father Earth" (unlike many ancient religions which understood the physical planet Earth as feminine) of the Kemetics; mountains are said to be His bones, and He lies forever inert below his sister-wife, Nut, the starry vault of the sky. Geb and Nut's five children would make up the personalized part of the Pesedjet (Great Nine Names) of the city of An (Heliopolis): Wesir, Her-wer, Set, Aset and Nebt-het. As the father of Wesir, Geb is often invoked as the "first ruler" of Kemet and some ancient king-lists actually list Him and His immediate descendants (Wesir and Heru-sa-Aset) as if they had ruled as physical kings. Geb's theophany is the goose (whose name in Kemetic is also "Geb"), which according to one mythological cycle was the form the Creator took on the day of creation (the "First Time"), cackling His delight into existence in the myriad creatures who walk upon Geb's body.
TourEgypt: Geb, God of the Earth, In the Earth and Under the Earth...

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