Egyptian god of war, the personification of those aspects of kingship to do with conquering other countries. Montu was the old chief god of the Theban nome, before Amun took over this role. The first traces of a cult of Montu are therefore to be found in the Theban area. Four rulers of the 11th Dynasty, ruling from that town, bore the name Mentuhotep (Montu is satisfied), which indicates the importance of the god at that time. The first large temples for Montu were also built then. In the 12th Dynasty the god became somewhat overshadowed by Amun - the most popular king's name of that time was, for example, Amenemhat (Amun is in front) - but Montu always kept the title 'Lord of Thebes'. As time went on he was linked with the sun god in the form of Montu-Re, but eventually also with Amun as Amun-Montu-Re. Montu was also identified with a special form of Amun, that of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. The Buchis bull, the sacred bull of Hermonthis, was a manifestation of Montu. The god was usually depicted with the head of a falcon and a headdress consisting of two feathers and a sun disk. From the Late Period there are also depictions of Montu with the head of a bull.

From: here

Montu was also thought to act as a guardian of happy family life. He is referred to in marriage documents to ensure that each party lived up to their commitment. Infidelity is described as "the abomination of Montu" and was definitely frowned upon. He was one of the deities who protected Ra on his nightly journey through the underworld and battled the serpent of chaos (Apep).

Montu was often depicted as a man with the head of a falcon wearing a headdress of two long plumes, a solar disk and the double uraeus (like that of Amun). He is generally armed, but uses a variety of weapons. Because of his links to the bull cults he was also depicted with the head of a bull (wearing the same headdress).

Montu was closely associated with Ra as a solar god and often appears as Montu-Ra. He was also merged with Atum and even associated with Set (possibly because of his martial aspect or because he could counteract the negative side of Set). The Greeks considered Montu to be a form of Ares, the god of war.

He was thought to be married to Tjenenet, Iunyt and Rettawy. It was sometimes suggested that the child of Montu and Rettawy (who like Iunyt was a female aspect of Ra) was Horus the child, linking Montu with Horus and therefore the pharaoh. When Amun became the national god, he and his wife Mut were sometimes described as the (adoptive) parents of Montu.

From: Here
In Ancient Egyptian religion, Monthu was a falcon-god of war. Monthu's name, shown in Egyptian hieroglyphs to the right, is technically transcribed as mntw. Because of the difficulty in transcribing Egyptian, it is often realized as Montu, Montju, or Menthu.

Monthu was an ancient god, his name meaning nomad, originally a manifestation of the scorching effect of the sun, Ra, and as such often appeared under the epithet Monthu-Ra. The destructiveness of this characteristic led to him gaining characteristics of a warrior, and eventually becoming a war-god.

Because of the association of raging bulls with strength and war, Monthu was also said to manifest himself in a white bull with a black face, which was referred to as the Bakha. Egypt's greatest general-kings called themselves Mighty Bulls, the sons of Monthu. In the famous narrative of the Battle of Kadesh, Ramesses II was said to have seen the enemy and "raged at them like Monthu, Lord of Thebes".

From: Wiki
Symbols: weapons, bulls, falcons
Cult Center: Hermonthis

Montu was the falcon-headed god of war. He was called the "lord of Thebes" even though his chief seat of worship was 10 miles to the south in Hermonthis. Hermonthis was the capital of the Theban nome.

Montu was portrayed as a falcon-headed man wearing a headdress consisting of the sun-disc encircled by the uraeus topped by two plumes. In his hands he would hold various weaponry, including the schimtar, bows and arrows, and knives.

Early in Theban history, Montu was an important and prominent god. Later when Amon rose in popularity, Montu became overshadowed and was incorporated into the Theban worship of Amon. He was sometimes shown with a bull's head during this period. He was said to be the destructive element of the sun's heat. Also, Montu was said to slay the sun's enemies from the prow of the night-boat of the sun.

From: Here
Also see:
Montu, Solar and Warrior God
Montu « Henadology


Montu @ Thebes
Precinct of Montu
